The Body Coach for Schools

My goal is to inspire as many children as I can to enjoy exercise and promote the importance of a healthy lifestyle on our physical and mental health. That's why I'm passionate about creating resources to help children get moving, whether at school or at home. Check out some of my workouts and activity packs below, and please share with other parents and teachers so we can inspire even more children.

Signed by Joe Wicks
Joe Wicks holding a kettlelbell

Kids' Activity Pack

This pack is designed to make fitness and healthy eating fun for kids. There are 10 different activities, including games, recipes and puzzles. Plus you can earn a special certificate at the end!

Download here.

Kids Activity Pack

PE with Joe Workouts

There are over 70 workouts to try from the PE with Joe workouts series. These workouts are fun and suitable for all ages, even adults can get involved! You don't need any equipment at all. You can access them all on YouTube.

PE with Joe Logo

Hey Duggee Workouts

Joe, Duggee, and the squirrels teach kids how to exercise and keep fit, and earn Workout Badges along the way! Get all the workouts on YouTube.

Hey Duggee Workouts

Kids Workouts

These workouts are great for all ages but aimed primarily at Key Stage 1. These are great energising workouts you can do at home, in the garden or even at school with your teachers. Try them out on YouTube.

Joe Wicks kneeling down striking a pose

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